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Is TEFL difficult?

If you’re thinking about teaching English abroad or online, chances are you’ve heard all about Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL), but what you might struggle to find online is information on how hard a TEFL courses really is to complete. It’s time to finally reveal the answer! Is TEFL difficult and will I be able to pass my course? Carry on reading to find out…

TEFL provider

If you’re keen to pass your TEFL course first time it’s definitely worth doing some research beforehand. There are heaps of TEFL providers out there but not all of them offer the support, help, and guidance you need to become qualified.

There’s a couple of things you need to look out for when choosing a TEFL course but they’re pretty easy to spot. To increase your chance of passing, you want to pick a provider that offers regulated and accredited TEFL courses. This means that the content you receive is of the highest standard possible as it’s been authorized by an official body. All of our courses have been regulated and accredited by the UK government, so you’ll be in safe hands with us!

We pride ourselves on our 99% pass rate and are proud to have trained just over 210,000 graduates. Thanks to our academic support and tutors, it’s rare to fail one of our TEFL courses. This amazing team has a wealth of knowledge and are always happy to help. They’ll guide you through your studies and will support you every step of the way- amazing!

Can I fail TEFL?

It is possible to fail a TEFL course however, it’s very unlikely. To help you digest the course content, we’ll ask you to complete a series of quizzes at the end of each unit. You can complete these as many times as you need to so, don’t sweat it! Our tutors work endlessly with our TEFL students to ensure that they pass their assignments. As long as you follow their guidance and detailed feedback, you’ll glide through your course.

Personal motivation

We’ll give you all the tools you need to succeed but this next one’s on you! With us, you can opt to study a 120-hour, 180-hour, or 300-hour TEFL course so, you’ll need to be motivated. If you meet your unit deadlines, respond positively to your tutor’s feedback, and actively engage in your course, you’ll easily pass your TEFL certification!

Level of English

Native and near-native English speakers should have no problems passing a TEFL course as they’ll be able to understand course content and feedback. If you have a C1 level of English, an IELTs score of 8.0 and above, or are a fluent English speaker you’ve got all the skills you need to be able to pass a TEFL course.

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We understand that personal circumstances vary from student to student which is why we offer flexible TEFL courses. Our TEFL courses are accessible online 24/7, so you can study with us whenever you want depending on your schedule. This means that you can gradually work towards your qualification, go at your own pace, and set your own study hours – amazing!  You’ll need plenty of time to absorb the information we give you as well as complete your course so, make sure you allocate yourself a set amount of study hours per week. If you put the hours in and stay positive, you’ll soon pass your TEFL course!

Academic understanding

Academic understanding is essential for passing your TEFL certification as you’ll be expected to complete set assignments. These will need to be completed to a high enough level to pass. It may sound pretty scary, but we promise it’s not as bad as you think! To give yourself the best chance at passing you’ll need to incorporate time management, commitment, and revision into your schedule. Our top tips to help with this are:

  • Create a suitable workspace to study in
  • Block out a period of your day to go over your work
  • Revise key concepts and ideas
  • Take time to absorb the information
  • Set deadlines for yourself

Asking for help

Remember, our experienced team are on hand to support you through every step of your journey so don’t be afraid to reach out to us. If you do find that you’re struggling someone will always be there to help!

I have been traveling and teaching ESL abroad ever since I graduated university. This life choice has taken me around the world and allowed me to experience cultures and meet people that I did not know existed.

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