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English Teacher in Qatar Salary: How Much Can You Make in Qatar?

Located on a small peninsula off the eastern coast of Saudi Arabia in the Persian Gulf, Qatar represents a small yet highly lucrative job market for English teachers in the heart of the Middle East. With a population of less than 3 million (85% of which are expatriates), Qatar may be a small nation, but as a world leader in natural gas and petroleum production that is also an up-and-coming center of trade and finance, it has become one of the richest countries on earth (per capita). Its remarkable rise to prominence extends beyond its economic prowess as it became the first Arab nation – and one of the smallest nations – to host a FIFA World Cup ((soccer/football))- the world’s most watched sporting event – in 2022. Qatar is also one of the most lucrative job markets for teaching English abroad.

With its small size and highly attractive offerings like high salaries and a cosmopolitan lifestyle, competition for English teaching jobs in Qatar can be fierce, but qualified educators can expect to make a tax-free monthly salary ranging from $1,600 to $4,000 or potentially even more. In addition to the financial perks, teachers can also indulge in extra benefits like airfare, health insurance, and furnished housing

Is There a High Demand for English Teachers in Qatar?

With a growing population of expatriates, a thriving international business scene, and an increasing number of Qataris seeking higher education opportunities in the UK and the USA, the demand for English language education has skyrocketed in recent years.

Schools and students alike are now eager to invest in highly qualified English instructors, both for traditional school settings and language institutes that cater to professionals in the business sector. There is also a strong demand for specialized training to excel in English proficiency exams required for admission to English language universities.

Read More: Teaching English in Qatar

English Teacher Salary in Qatar

How Much Does an English Teacher Earn in Qatar?

Typically, English teachers in Qatar can expect to earn $1,600 – $4,000 USD (approx. 5,500 – 9,100 QAR*) per month tax-free, and probably more if you possess additional experience and credentials. It is common for employers to pay for teacher’s housing and often to provide a reimbursement for flight costs. 

As a teacher, your salary will vary depending on the teaching position you choose. Previous teaching experience can lead to higher starting pay rates, and as you gain more experience, your salary is likely to increase accordingly. So, if you’re an experienced teacher, you can expect to earn a higher salary compared to someone just starting out in the field.

* The abbreviation for the Qatari riyal is QAR.

Read more: How Much Can I Make Teaching English Abroad?



Qatar Teaching Salary: The Details

TEFL-certified teachers have a multitude of teaching opportunities awaiting them in Qatar. For those who choose to teach English, there are various avenues to explore:

  1. Teaching adults, business professionals, or children in private language schools and occasionally in vocational colleges or even universities;
  2. Teaching children and teenagers in International schools;
  3. Private tutoring children and adults, often for standardized proficiency exams;
  4. Teaching English online;
  5. A combination of the above.

NOTE: If you have advanced teaching credentials, you may have the opportunity to secure a teaching position in an elite international school, a private bilingual grade school, or even a college or university. These positions often come with higher salaries and additional benefits compared to those available to first-time teachers.

Salary & Expenses English Teacher Salary in Qatar Details
Language School / International School Salary Between $1,800 and $5,000 USD per month
Private Tutoring Salary $20-$50+ USD per hour
Teach English Online Salary $5-$20 USD per hour
Average Cost of Living $800 -$2,000 USD per month
Start-up Costs Between $1,500 and $2,500 USD

Let’s explore each option and what you can expect to earn from them:

1. Qatar Private Language & International School Salaries

Although Qatar is a small country of under 2 million residents, there is still a great demand for English teachers in and around major cities like Doha. With some of the highest salaries in the world, the job market is quite competitive and hiring standards are high. Many teaching jobs require a degree specifically in education, with a strong preference for those who have previous teaching experience. This often makes Qatar a harder market for TEFL-certified teachers to gain employment, especially beginner TEFL teachers with little to no teaching experience.  

The academic calendar in Qatar typically starts in August and ends in June, aligning with primary and high schools. These schools often recruit during the first six months of the year for positions beginning with this start date.

However, private language institutes that cater to the business community may have different schedules and hire teachers based on their needs throughout the year. So, if you’re interested in teaching at these institutes, you may have opportunities to secure a position outside of the standard academic calendar.

Pay will fluctuate depending on where you are located, with teachers in larger cities like Qatar City earning more than those teaching in smaller cities and towns. English teachers working at private language and International schools in Qatar can expect to make anywhere between $1,600 – $4,000 USD per month or more if they possess advanced credentials and experience.

Visa Options for Teaching English in Qatar

Work Visa for Teaching English in Qatar

It is standard practice for English teachers in Qatar to receive a sponsored work visa which will be processed in their home country before departure.


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2. Qatar Private English Tutoring Salaries

Private tutoring ESL students (especially adults) is common among English teachers in Qatar and can be lucrative. Teachers who choose this route are often:

  • Teaching English in Qatar at a private language or International school and taking on some private tutoring students to help supplement their income; 
  • Expatriates already living in Qatar who want to teach English online and/or privately tutor students.

Many students and other folks you meet in daily life may just approach you and inquire about your availability as an English tutor.  Still, getting clients for private lessons is often a marketing exercise, and all the avenues that seem appropriate to your circumstances have to be explored. Here are some ways you can market yourself:

  • Post notices in schools and universities, coffee shops, supermarkets, embassies, or corner shops;
  • Advertise in local periodicals, especially those that cater to university students, professionals, and ex-pats;
  • Send notices to local public schools announcing your willingness to work with local students on their English.
  • Compile a list of addresses of professionals (lawyers, architects, etc.), and professional associations who may need English for their work and have the resources to pay for it and then contact them.
  • Call on export businesses, distribution companies, and even travel agencies and tourism companies.
  • Get ESL business cards made with Arabic on one side and English on the other.
  • Enroll in ITA’s English Tutoring Specialty Course. This course will not only provide you with enhanced teaching skills in a private tutoring setting but also incorporate practical guidelines for how to set up your own tutoring business. 
  • Enroll in ITA’s Teaching Test Prep Skills Specialty Course. Many Qatari students seek to study in universities in English-speaking nations and will pay high fees to receive specialized training to prepare for standardized exams they need to pass to gain entry to universities in the US and UK. This course will provide you with the skills you need to help these students maximize their scores on such tests (and boost your resume for higher-paying jobs!).  

Explore traditional Arabian customs while teaching English in Qatar


How much money can I make from private tutoring ESL students in Qatar?

If you’re just starting out as a private ESL tutor in Qatar, you can expect to charge around $20-$50 USD per hour for one-on-one lessons. However, if you’re teaching small groups of 2-3 students, you have the opportunity to increase your rates as the cost can be split among them. Additionally, if you’re able to market yourself to Qatari elites and ex-pat professionals, especially those working at embassies or multinational corporations, you can potentially charge higher rates and earn upwards of $60-$80+ per hour. 

3. Qatar Teaching English Online Salaries

Teaching English online (TEO) has become increasingly popular among teachers around the world as a way to generate income. Many teachers choose to teach online to supplement their primary source of income teaching at a school.  Teaching English online is also particularly appealing for those who are already in Qatar on a dependent visa and are looking to earn some extra money. Teaching English online provides flexibility in terms of scheduling and allows teachers to work from the comfort of their own homes. It can be a great option for teachers who want to start earning income before they move to Qatar or for those who want to boost their earnings while teaching in Qatar.

Teaching English online provides TEFL-certified teachers with the opportunity to make money from the comfort of their own homes, with most teachers being able to make anywhere from $5-$20 USD per hour. Hours are flexible, and it is up to you how much or how little you teach – you are in control of your schedule. 

A key advantage of teaching online is that you can begin teaching and making money before you move to Qatar. This is a great way to help cover the start-up costs of your move and will ensure that you have an income immediately upon your arrival in Qatar. 

Additional Reading: To learn more about how much you can earn from online ESL teaching, please read How Much Money Can I Make Teaching English Online? Need help to find an online teaching platform? Check out Non-Chinese ESL Companies to Teach English Online With.

Expenses for Teaching English in Qatar

Two categories of expenses need to be taken into consideration for those looking to teach English in Qatar:

  1. Start-up costs
  2. Cost of living 

Let’s explore each of the two in more detail.

1. Start-Up Costs for Teaching English in Qatar

Start-up costs are expenses you will incur from your arrival in Qatar until you receive your first paycheck and may include things like a security deposit and first month’s rent, apartment supplies, transport, groceries, getting your new local cell phone number set up, etc. 

Start-up costs to cover your first month of living in Qatar will usually range somewhere between $1,500 and $2,500 USD. This is the minimum amount of savings you should have on hand before leaving home and arriving in Qatar. Having more savings is definitely a plus, but if you find yourself with less, you might face some financial challenges.

When planning ahead, it’s important to remember that there are other start-up costs to consider before embarking on your teaching adventure in Qatar. These will include the cost of your TEFL certification, airfare to Qatar (although sometimes this may be covered by your employer), and any costs associated with obtaining necessary documents like your passport, visa, etc.

2. Cost of Living for Teaching English in Qatar

Cost of living refers to everyday monthly expenses you will incur during your time in Qatar. The cost of living in Qatar is somewhat modest ($800 – $2,000 a month) and salaries ($1,600 – $4,000 a month) for first-time ESL teachers are generous. English teachers typically live comfortably on what they earn, but financial planning is still imperative to prepare you for success. The most popular expenses that fall under this category include:

  • Monthly rent expenses (although it is common that your employer will provide you with housing and cover your rent)
  • Utilities (electricity, gas, water bills, etc)
  • Food and grocery expenses
  • Health insurance (provided to most teachers by employer)
  • Internet bill
  • Cell phone bill
  • Transportation (transit card, ride-sharing services, etc)
  • Travel/entertainment expenses

Your cost of living expenses can vary. On average, English teachers in Qatar save $800+ USD per month after expenses.

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