In some countries, teachers of English as a Foreign Language are expected to be half EDUcators and half enterTAINERS—or edutainers. “Edutainment” is the term the industry has coined to explain the situation when your employer and your students are looking for games and laughter to go along with the English taught in the classroom. Edutainment is a Cultural Thing Now, if you’ve got a posting in Sa...[Read More]
Its better to deal with things in a positive manner Most new teachers fear the whole subject of discipline and avoid talking about it, but it’s an important subject for English teachers to discuss. How do you elegantly control difficult or disruptive students before they leak their behavior onto their classmates? How do you grab the attention of hyperactive learners who are doing everything except...[Read More]
Use your Real-Life Skills to Teach English for Specific Purposes After a long day at work, you might find your class full of sleepy and tired students. You’ll need to energize them. Once you’ve been around the block a time or two teaching English as a Foreign Language, you’ll probably want to branch out into ESP. No, I don’t mean you should hire yourself out as a psychic. In our industry, ESP sta...[Read More]
Fitting it all together Teaching job? Check. Class schedule? Check. Lesson Plan? Uh oh… If you find yourself ticking off items in the checklist above and groaning when you get to “lesson plan,” read on and relax. Lesson planning is an important part of being a good teacher, but it doesn’t have to be worrisome. Today I’m writing about the big picture of lesson planning—the what, why and how. The Wh...[Read More]
If you’re looking to live and work in a country that oozes history, culture and eccentricity, then Japan is the country for you. But, truthfully, if you’re looking to save thousands, then you might want to consider another country. Japan is one of the most fascinating countries to live in, but teaching English abroad there is … Continue reading “What is The Average Teaching Salary in Japan?&...[Read More]
One of the most important skills of a TEFL teacher is to identify the errors that your students make and help them deal with them. Mistakes are an integral part of learning and our students are bound to make them. As a teacher, it is up to you to identify the errors your students are … Continue reading “Common Mistakes for Japanese Learners of English” The post Common Mistakes for Japa...[Read More]
If you’re a UK citizen hoping to TEFL in the EU after 31 October 2019, are you wasting your time? With apocalyptic warnings about mile long queues at borders and wartime living conditions after Brexit, we wouldn’t blame you if you’re hiding under the closest duvet rather than hunting out your dream TEFL destination. Sadly, we can’t guarantee that TEFL in the EU will continue hassle-free after 31 O...[Read More]
If you think of Japan you probably think of sushi and karate. You might even know that Japan is also called the Land of the Rising Sun, but there’s a lot more to Japan than you think. From neon lights and packed trains to hot springs and mountain temples, from tropical islands and love hotels … Continue reading “Interesting Facts about Japan You Probably Didn’t Know” The post Interesti...[Read More]
They say that teaching is a passion. While it might be true that not many people go into teaching for the money, this doesn’t mean that there isn’t money to be made! That’s right: teaching is one of the most rewarding occupations on an intellectual and spiritual level but it can be rewarding on a … Continue reading “Top Five Countries That Pay the Most to Teach English Abroad” The post...[Read More]
Looking after the place we call home is super important and part of our celebrations for becoming the first carbon-neutral TEFL provider, we’ve created this eco-friendly video full of tips to help you have a great TEFL experience while protecting the environment at the same time! Want to learn how to incorporate eco-conscious topics into your classroom? Check out our blog here. The post How to be ...[Read More]
Teaching jobs in Thailand international schools tend to be more rewarding than other teaching jobs. Read on to find out how to find a job and get hired. Thailand is a highly attractive destination for many expatriates. This is because of the diverse cultures within the country, the magnificent beauty of the landscape and … Read more The post A Guide to Teaching Jobs in Thailand Internation...[Read More]
Top Tips for Dealing with Large EFL Classes. Picture this: you’re teaching a Polish university student Academic English. You’re both seated at a table in the library, sharing a book between the two of you. You talk quietly together and work at the pace set by the student. When he gets a bit distracted, you … Continue reading “Top Tips for Dealing with Large EFL Classes” The post Top Ti...[Read More]