Embarking on a career as a TEFL teacher can be daunting yet incredibly rewarding, but many new entrants are unsure about it and would rather dip their toe in the proverbial pool before taking the plunge. Perhaps they’re unsure of their ability to teach, or terrified at the thought of standing in front of a … Continue reading “A GUIDE TO FINDING PRIVATE EFL STUDENTS” The post A GUIDE T...[Read More]
You walk into the rowdiest grade one class of the week: instantly, a bundle of seven-year-olds cling to your legs, grapple for high-fives and hand you gifts. As a foreign teacher, you’ve got your students’ attention just by arriving, but keeping it for the next thirty-five minutes can be challenging. Here are some tips to help keep your class involved, and some activities to have up your sleeve! U...[Read More]
Being a teacher involves not just teaching but taking on a number of roles in the classroom. Think about any teacher who stands out in your memory and it’s either because they were awful at their job, or they made learning really fun. If you’re embarking on a career as a TEFL teacher, be prepared … Continue reading “FOUR ROLES OF TEFL TEACHERS” The post FOUR ROLES OF TEFL TEACHERS appe...[Read More]
The difference between teaching and teaching well can often boil down to something as simple as personalising your EFL lessons. This is a key factor in getting to know your students and their interests in order to tailor their learning experience and materials to suit their interests and needs. There is nothing worse than planning … Continue reading “THE IMPORTANCE OF PERSONALISING YOUR EFL ...[Read More]
When teaching English as a foreign language, it’s a given that you’re going to land up teaching abroad so maintaining basic cultural awareness is important. TEFL Teachers teaching English to foreign students in their own country can easily forget to be culturally considerate. While your students will need to be aware of their surroundings if … Continue reading “THREE CULTURAL CONSIDERATIONS...[Read More]
In our previous post we looked at six commonly confused words for both English teachers and learners. Hopefully you learnt a few things! There are loads more examples, but we’ve chosen another six for you. Do you get confused with any of these words? More commonly confused words for English Teachers and Learners Desert vs dessert … Continue reading “6 MORE COMMONLY CONFUSED WORDS FOR BOTH EN...[Read More]
Its or it’s? To, two or too? They’re, there or their? You might think these are silly examples but you’d be surprised how many people get them confused. In fact, English is so complicated that even native speakers can get confused using the language. Even English teachers! Of course, as teachers we … Continue reading “6 COMMONLY CONFUSED WORDS FOR BOTH ENGLISH LEARNERS AND TEACHE...[Read More]
TEFL teachers constantly need to keep up to date with teaching methods and theories of learning and keeping an eye out for helpful articles is a great way to keep abreast of industry news and developments. Blogs and articles written by high-profile TEFL names such as Harmer, Thornbury and Krashen will help teachers stay up … Continue reading “THREE TEFL INFLUENCERS YOU SHOULD BE FAMILIAR WIT...[Read More]
My first thought as I left the airport in Phnom Penh was about the heat – so hot! It hits you straight away but luckily, after a few days, you start to get acclimatised (phew!). Then, I scrambled to find my name among all the signs in the arrivals gate. And once I spotted “i-to-i TEFL”, the fun really started. I met some of my fellow interns and we were all shuffled off into a minivan on the way t...[Read More]
Let’s be honest here for a second: even if you enjoy spending time with children, even if you are a parent, teaching English as a Foreign Language to Young Learners is not easy. Children throw tantrums, get distracted, need help to go to the bathroom, fight with each other, need to go to the bathroom … Continue reading “TOP TIPS FOR TEACHING YOUNG LEARNERS” The post TOP TIPS FOR TEACHI...[Read More]
Jenny had no teaching experience when she started teaching English online – but now she’s successful and loving it! Read on to find out how she got started… In late 2016, my husband received the news that his job with Nestlé required him to move to Switzerland. At this point in time, we’d been living in London for eight years and I’d established a career managing several health and wellbeing centr...[Read More]
If you’re a female who’s planning to take on the big wide world all on your own, we salute you! Us strong, independent women have got to stick together – and that’s why we’re recommending you kick-start your travels with one of our epic TEFL Internships. Here’s why… 1. You’ll have in-country support if you need it We’ve got to admit it. No matter how independent we feel, when you’re travelling alo...[Read More]