They say that you have to spend money to make money, and this is never more true than when it comes to teaching. Teaching is one of those jobs which you need to fork out from your heard-earned salary for necessities that you need in the classroom. When you teach English as a foreign language … Continue reading “What are the C...[Read More]
They say that “It doesn’t matter where you are going, but who you have beside you”, but we’d like to politely disagree. Of course it matters who you are with, but for us where you are going is equally important – especially if you are going there with a special someone. Let’s face it, travelling &...[Read More]
At The TEFL Academy we get a lot of questions about finding a TEFL job from our new TEFL graduates. To be honest, it’s a pretty straightforward process (we’ll get to that in a minute) but it can be time-consuming and frustrating, just like any job search. If you add to that the extra complication … Continue reading R...[Read More]
2020 is upon us and, while we might not be flying our cars yet or travelling back in time, we do feel like it’s a good time to make a fresh start. We know we say that every year but this year is different, we promise! So if you’ve been considering doing a TEFL certificate … Continue reading “20 Reasons You Should ...[Read More]
For many people, the whole point of getting involved in teaching English as a Foreign Language is to jet off to some unknown destination and have the experience of a lifetime. Imagine getting lost on the way to work, eating a new food for lunch, and learning a new phrase in another language – every … Continue reading “What is Cambod...[Read More]
Cambodia is one of the few countries left in this world which not many people know about. Sure you may have heard about your high school friend Tom who went backpacking around South East Asia for a few months, but Cambodia is probably the country you know least about. Cambodia is not yet on the … Continue reading “Interesting Facts ...[Read More]
If there’s one thing we can all agree on, it’s that you should do a Teach English as a Foreign Language certificate with an accredited provider. Doing a TEFL course is an investment of both your time and money and there’s no need to waste those on a course that’s not going to be worth … Continue reading “Accredited TEFL Courses in t...[Read More]
As a TEFL teacher, you’re might find you’re more interested in other cultures than the average Joe. After all, a big reason we decide to go on this TEFL journey is to travel the world and experience new people, religions and traditions. So you probably already know that Chinese New Year 2020 starts on 25 … Continue reading “What Chi...[Read More]
A few years ago not many people would’ve been able to identify Cambodia on a map let alone think about relocating there to live and work, but it has been one of the top up-and-coming destinations in the TEFL world over the last year or so. That might surprise you, but we’re here to tell … Continue reading “Why You Should Teach Engli...[Read More]
More and more people are becoming familiar with teaching English as a Foreign Language, but many people mistakenly believe that this can only be done in non-English speaking countries. In fact, there is a huge demand for TEFL teachers in countries where English in spoken as a first or official language. The United States, Canada, … Contin...[Read More]
Way back when teaching English as a Foreign Language first became popular the aim of the game was usually to pack a bag, leave home and travel across the world to teach in some exotic location. These days, while the lure of faraway destinations is still there, many people are becoming TEFL-certified to teach English … Continue reading ...[Read More]
New year, new you? Welcome to 2020, everybody! If you’re like us, you probably jumped into 2020 with a bang and are perhaps now not feeling as healthy as you’d like (which is, funnily enough, the same way we feel every January). Maybe you’ve come up with some new year’s resolutions to help you get … Continue reading “Top Tips to He...[Read More]