While the thought of teaching a class full of students who are hungry to learn the English language may excite you, don’t forget you’ll need to secure yourself a job first. Interviews can be nerve-wracking for some, but if you do your research and know what to expect, you’ll be prepared for the array of … Continue reading “TEFL INTE...[Read More]
There’s a distinct feeling everyone gets when they pull their suitcase out of the cupboard and open it up on their bed to pack for an overseas trip. It may be a feeling of dread of not knowing where to begin, or excitement about the upcoming trip, but it’s important to be sure you’ve packed … Continue reading “FOUR TRAVEL ESSENTIALS...[Read More]
Teaching English as a Foreign Language can be a tiring job when you’re teaching the same lessons five times a day. It can often feel like you’re stuck in a “rinse and repeat” cycle. Getting out of any rut takes a bit of creativity and innovation and the same can be said for teaching. If … Continue reading “FIVE WAYS TO SPICE UP YOUR...[Read More]
Many people daydream about the exotic locations their career as an English teacher will take them. Faraway places where gentle waves lap white, sandy beaches and palm trees sway in a tropical breeze. For some reason, most people’s idea of paradise is intrinsically linked to some far-flung island destination. Read on for our top six … Cont...[Read More]
Tests may be the bane of our students’ lives but they are a necessary part of language learning. They are necessary in order for our students to be able to assess their knowledge and comprehension of a particular topic. They are necessary for teachers to identify which aspects of their courses need more attention. They … Continue reading ...[Read More]
One of the goals for an effective English as a Foreign Language classroom is interactivity. An interactive classroom is one in which the students have as much input into the lessons as the teacher does. In other words, the lessons are planned in such a way that the students engage with the materials, the lesson … Continue reading “7...[Read More]
As teachers of English as a Foreign Language, we need to know grammar rules inside out and upside down. With English being the changeable language that it is, this can actually be quite difficult. What’s prescribed one year is abandoned the next. This is confusing for us so you can imagine how baffling it must … Continue reading “5 ...[Read More]
Teaching adult learners of English can be both a blessing and a curse. Adults are able to engage with the language on an intellectual level and are happy to focus on the theory in order to put it into practice later. In other words, they don’t mind doing the boring stuff because they understand the … Continue reading “5 GAMES FOR AD...[Read More]
There’s no denying that the classroom is changing, especially the English as a Foreign Language classroom. Gone are the days of the traditional teacher standing at the blackboard, explaining concepts at length to EFL students who listen politely and take down copious notes (or not!). This is most definitely a good thing, as it is … Contin...[Read More]
Embarking on a career as a TEFL teacher can be daunting yet incredibly rewarding, but many new entrants are unsure about it and would rather dip their toe in the proverbial pool before taking the plunge. Perhaps they’re unsure of their ability to teach, or terrified at the thought of standing in front of a … Continue reading “A GUI...[Read More]
Being a teacher involves not just teaching but taking on a number of roles in the classroom. Think about any teacher who stands out in your memory and it’s either because they were awful at their job, or they made learning really fun. If you’re embarking on a career as a TEFL teacher, be prepared … Continue reading “FOUR ROLES OF TE...[Read More]
The difference between teaching and teaching well can often boil down to something as simple as personalising your EFL lessons. This is a key factor in getting to know your students and their interests in order to tailor their learning experience and materials to suit their interests and needs. There is nothing worse than planning … Conti...[Read More]